The Young duo, Ben and Kiyanda, continue to captivate young readers with the delightful sequel, Twin Power: The Best Snow Day Ever, in their heartwarming series. Sponsored by iRead Book Tours, this enchanting children's book takes us on another journey with the dynamic twins, Sebastian and Simone, as they explore the magic of winter and the wonders of Twin Power. Find out more about this snow day tale of teamwork and twin adventures below and don't forget to enter the giveaway!
Book Title: TWIN POWER: THE BEST SNOW DAY EVER by Ben and Kiyanda Young
Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7), 30-38 pages
Genre: Children's Book
Publisher: Twizzler Bees Entertainment
Release date: October, 2021
.Book Description:
Sebastian and Simone are not just brother and sister. They are twins!
They show little readers some cool things they can accomplish because of their Twin Power.
Join them in their adventure, The Best Snow Day Ever as they learn to use their Twin Power to have winter fun with some neighborhood children. From a snowball battle to making a snowman, working together makes being twins super fun ... and convenient.
The Best Snow Day Ever is the second in a series of Twin Power Books starring fraternal twins named Simone and Sebastian. The twins learn how to work together and teach little readers about what it means to be a twin and a best friend.
The stories and adventures that the twins experience will show all children how to use teamwork to accomplish tasks.
Through a series of activities included at the back of each book, little readers will practice memorization, counting, and writing while having fun coloring.
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Find out more about the first book! TWIN POWER
My Review:
The Young duo, Ben and Kiyanda, continue to captivate young readers with the delightful sequel, Twin Power: The Best Snow Day Ever, in their heartwarming series. Sponsored by iRead Book Tours, this enchanting children's book takes us on another journey with the dynamic twins, Sebastian and Simone, as they explore the magic of winter and the wonders of Twin Power.
In this installment, the authors skillfully weave a tale of camaraderie and teamwork, highlighting the unique bond shared by twins. Sebastian and Simone's adventures are not just entertaining; they serve as a valuable lesson for little readers about the importance of collaboration and the joy of working together.
The narrative unfolds as the twins, armed with their Twin Power, embark on a snowy escapade with neighborhood children. From snowball battles that spark laughter to the creation of a charming snowman, the twins showcase the fun and convenience of being twins. The story is not only filled with winter wonder but also carries an underlying message of friendship and cooperation.
The engaging storyline is complemented by vibrant illustrations that bring the snowy landscapes and the joyous expressions of the characters to life. The thoughtful incorporation of activities at the end of the book, such as memorization, counting, and matching exercises, adds an educational dimension, making the book a valuable resource for parents and educators.
Twin Power: The Best Snow Day Ever maintains the high standard set by its predecessor, reinforcing the series as a wholesome and entertaining choice for young readers aged 3-7. The Youngs' commitment to promoting values of teamwork, friendship, and the unique connection between twins is commendable. As the tour unfolds, it's evident that this book is a delightful addition to the Twin Power series, promising smiles and valuable lessons for young minds.
Meet the Authors:
Ben and Kiyanda Young are the proud parents of an amazing set of fraternal twins, Zara and Owen. As parents, they promote individuality among their children while encouraging their twins to support and rely on one another. The special bond between Zara and Owen is what inspired the Youngs to write Twin Power, the first in a series of award-winning books highlighting the unique relationship that twins share. In addition to being Zara and Owen’s parents, Ben is a gastroenterologist and Kiyanda is a surgeon, both with medical practices in Virginia.
Enter the giveaway: Win a signed copy of TWIN POWER and TWIN POWER: THE BEST SNOW DAY EVER (one winner) (USA only) (ends Dec 22, 2023)